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Finally an oasis of answers you were looking for in the vast desert of your inner turmoil and questions.

COMPLIMENTARY : Real life case studies of personally interviewed people for you to ponder over and grab something of value from it.

Do you get the same questions of being lost in life, no clue of the direction you are headed or fear of facing the obstacles ahead?

On a bright Sunday morning, have you ever found interrogating yourself after reading about someone successful and felt demotivated? If all yes, then get aboard matey.
I know that you may have read a lot of books on motivation or self help before!

If you tried to read and imply the steps before but couldn’t, you saw the results in the beginning and couldn’t be on the track then don’t worry. THAT’S NOT YOUR FAULT.

You must be thinking what if you get the same disappointment here and stuff, i would say that i totally understand your concern. But once i read quote that said, “Life is the summation of all the chances we take and it could have been the way we desired, by the chances we feared taking.” You never know this may get you to the answers you were always searching for. So why not give it a read and take a chance !.

In today’s world where everything has become so systematized and the rat race of mediocrity doesn’t seem to cease, choosing to visit the book for a look is one of the biggest steps that you have taken. Maybe we are a part of this majority that prefers rat race and abortion of dreams a good step but we are never ever defined by who we are, but by what we choose to be. Choosing to take a step towards making a better or rather creating a better future for yourself is indeed a brave task and i would really appreciate to be a partner along with you on your beautiful journey.

This sounds too good to be true, but it’s not.

The logic and mantra behind writing these steps is evident in your daily life. Think about your habits and see how they help you frame the situation you’re currently in.

Let me state a simple example: Do you clean your teeth every night and take good care of them? Me too and so do many people out there, I guess. This has become a habit for all of us and without putting this into action, we won’t have any teeth left with us. You must be thinking and judging me for this irrelevant example but please give me a chance to walk you through it.

At first it didn’t become your habit to keep your teeth hygienic. You came to know that by keeping your teeth hygienic is important for your dental care. this is called being knowledgeable about the process. Then you somewhere pictured about bright, shiny and cavity free teeth and learnt about the measures you could use to get these results. the former part is called painting a picture of wants and the latter as putting your imaginations into outcomes via regular action. And then comes the happy part at a point when you’re finally happy with the results you have achieved. Patting yourself is another form of positive action that influences your mind.

The above explanation was just another way of covering some of the topics that I’ve illustrated in the book by using such “different” examples.All the content has been written by the knowledge i was privileged to get from many great mentors and their suggestions were quite useful while total framing of my book. The content is written and narrated in a manner so that you can totally relate to it on a more personal level.

Action time, amigos!
Stop procrastinating and join thousands of people getting amazing results with these applied steps.

If you’re ready then SCROLL UP, GRAB A COPY OF THIS BOOK AND Get yourself a chance to meet the “NEW” you.
P.S- I’m looking forward to seeing you on the inside and i would love to connect with you via my email.


Free on 5th - 9th Nov 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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