
Free on 2nd - 6th May 24
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Marnie Becker is a troubled young woman with an alcoholic mother and drinking problems of her own. When her uncle and former Chicago police officer, Cal Becker, offers to pay her way through Raven University and move to Eden, Kentucky, with her, she jumps at the chance to change her life. But on the day of their arrival, she disappears. It wouldn’t be the first time she ran away when the going got tough. Has she done so again rather than face the challenges of her new life, or has something happened to her?

Cal has hopes for a new life for himself in Eden, and when Marnie goes missing, he doesn’t know whether to be worried or angry. But when the beaten body of a young girl is found in Daniel Boone National Forest, he fears his worst nightmare has become reality–or has his worst nightmare only begun?

Note: Each book in the Eden series is complete in itself. It is not necessary to read them in order.

Free on 2nd - 6th May 24
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