“Beauty in You: The Story of Kyle and Her Cousin” is a heartwarming children’s book that teaches kids the value of inner beauty and what it actually mean to be beautiful. The story revolves around Kyle, a young girl who lives together with her mother and her cousin. She’s got a dark hyper pigmentation on the side of her eyes, and for that reason she’s always being made fun of. On the other hand, her cousin who goes by the name Andrew is always laughed at for having a big head and less light skin color and for that reason no one among their peers wants to play with them. Although Andrew tends to ignore what people are saying about him, Kyle is emotionally down cast and she’s seriously affected by what people say about her, which is calling her ” *��������* “. The word that hurts most and no one would want to be called that. It saddens her so much, but in a certain night after a stressful day something wonderful happened. A word from a mother which defines true beauty saves the day.
“Beauty in You: The Story of Kyle and Her Cousin” is a delightful and heartwarming story that is perfect for kids who are learning to appreciate the diversity and beauty in the world around them.