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Free on 22nd - 26th Apr 15
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Whether you are seriously thinking of converting to Buddhism or are just curious about its practice and beliefs, this book is for you!

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Buddhism continues to grow in popularity in the Western world as more and more people are becoming aware of Buddhist philosophies and the Buddha’s teachings about the purpose of life and how a person can be the best version of himself on a daily basis. Approximately 350 million people around the world already practice Buddhism, and that number is growing by the day. You probably already know that the Buddhist religion explains how to take a different perspective on personal desires and materialism, poverty and social inequalities, and how to actually overcome worldly attitudes and unimportant concerns. But what exactly is Buddhism? And how did it begin? Who is the Buddha? And how do the Buddhist philosophies apply to your daily life? These questions – and more – are exactly what this ebook was designed to address. By the end of this short read, you will have a solid understanding of the Buddhist religion, including all the relevant facts, a brief overview of its history, and a strong foundation of its beliefs and principles from which to grow. So if you’re ready to learn more and enhance your understanding about the Buddhist’s road to Nirvana, then let’s get started!

Here Is A Preview Of What You’ll Learn…

A Glimpse at the History of BuddhismTheravada Buddhism versus Mahayana BuddhismDukkha and the Five Aggregates The Thirst and Cravings of Tanha The Four Noble TruthsThe Eightfold PathThe Impermanence of NibbanaFocusing on PujaMuch, much more!Download your copy today!

Free on 22nd - 26th Apr 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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