
Free on 13th Apr 24
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Bearing bad news is never easy, but it is even worse when the recipients are your children. It is, indeed, an awful feeling.

Death is one of the most unfortunate realities we all have to face in our lifetime. As much as you want to brace fragile minds from harsh things, you need to tell them the truths of life at some point.

So, how to do that? Despite being the right thing, it has some sort of anxiety attached to it.

The simplest way forward is by preparing for it in advance. Mostly, such conversations are hard because one struggles to find the right words.

If you are a parent and you’re clueless about walking your children through this important discussion about life, this parent’s guide, Beyond Goodbye, is for you.

Inside this book, you will discover:
? Different beliefs and perspectives about death and the afterlife.
? Everything you need to know about grieving and why it is necessary before the healing process begins.
? How to prepare yourself for a conversation about death, with advice from professionals for explaining death to kids.
? Why it is important to be there for your children while they are experiencing a loss.
? Practical coping strategies to make acceptance of death easier for them.
Death of a loved one is a difficult time, and showing yourself some compassion will pull you through it.
Grief is inescapable, but coping becomes easier when you have support, especially from people who you love and who have experienced these processes in the past.

Grab a copy of Beyond Goodbye today!

Free on 13th Apr 24
View on Amazon.co.uk


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