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Understand how the technology behind bitcoin works.

Today only, get this amazing ebook for just $0.99. Regularly priced at $4.99.
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This book has lots of eye opening information that will help you to understand the blockchain technology and how it is shaping the world.
The future of money looks just as exciting as its past. However, if what is happening today is any indicator, unlike its past, a past full of cowry shells, barter trade, and other such currencies, the future of money is about to have some very relevant technological upheavals that shall change how we conduct interpersonal business and how businesses and corporations conduct business.
If you do not adopt to the impending changes, if you fail to learn how technology is influencing the future of money and how we shall view person-to-person or business-to-business money transfers in the future, when technology comes full swing and we finally lay to bed cold hard cash, credit and debit cards, you will struggle to keep up.
Now is the best time to learn about the things happening now that will greatly influence the future of money. Of the things you need to learn, key among them is the blockchain technology. What is blockchain technology? How does it work?
The purpose of this book is to demystify this and much more about digital currencies and their influence on the future of money. In this book, you will learn how money, as we know it has changed over the centuries, the entry of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology, how it all works and how these technological milestones are shaping economies and the world at large.

Here Is A Preview Of What You’ll Learn…

Money: The Past, Present, and Future
Cryptocurrencies: Bitcoins & How They Work

What are Cryptocurrencies?
The Anatomy of Cryptocurrencies Such a Bitcoins
How Bitcoin Transactions Work
How to Store Bitcoins and Other Cryptocurrencies
How Bitcoin Mining Works
How the Blockchain Technology Is Changing the Future of Money, Economy, and Our World

Download your copy today!

Take action today and download this book for a limited time discount of only $0.99!

Check Out What Others Are Saying…

Free on 18th Oct 17
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