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Free on 6th - 8th Oct 16
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They say that Blockchain is a fantastic new technology that is not only disrupting the financial services industry, but also transforming the world as we know it today.

But what is it really? How does it work? What can we do with it? Is it related to Bitcoin (and what is Bitcoin anyway)?

If you’ve ever tried to dig deeper before, you know it can quickly get technical, complicated and hard to follow!
It was (and still is) difficult for people to navigate in the vast amount of information out there in order to find simple answers to basic questions when it comes to Blockchain.

But here is the good news: Blockchain (including Bitcoin) can be explained in simple terms so that also the nontechnical crowd is able to understand what it is and how it will affect our lives.
If you do not have the time to spend hours browsing through lots of publications but want to get to the bottom of it right away, look no further.

This book brings it to the point: it will walk you in a fast and clear way through the Blockchain basics, revealing the main ideas behind this revolutionary new technology. It will also provide you with real-life examples so that you can see some applications and sense the power.

After reading Blockchain Fast and Simple, you’ll possess the necessary starting kit.
Stop feeling lost and learn how this technology is changing the world around you!
Blockchain Fast and Simple is the best first step you can take to begin your journey into this new paradigm.

Join the rest of us and get on board now, while we’re still at the beginning of the Blockchain revolution.

Free on 6th - 8th Oct 16
View on Amazon.co.uk


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