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Bokashi Composting

Kitchen scraps to Black Gold in a few short weeks

Newly Updated

Bokashi is a Japanese term for “fermented organic matter” that is a safe, quick, hassle free and convenient way to compost in your very own domicile. It does not matter if you live in an apartment, house, boat or even a tent. If you generate kitchen scraps and have room for a small bucket, you now have the ability to compost all kitchen scraps (including meats, dairy, fat and fish) quickly and efficiently right in your own home. This is accomplished in a sealed environment, which eliminates the rank odor of rotting materials and without those pesky bugs or flies.

The bokashi system uses a special selection of microorganisms that anaerobic ally ferment the food scraps. This fermentation process is very fast and the finished pickled product is generally ready in two weeks to be applied to whatever use you may want. You can put it in your existing compost pile, feed it to your worms in your worm bin, make supercharged potting soil or bury it in your garden. It is up to you.

The bokashi method was first introduced about 40 years ago. It has experienced a rapid acceptance and expansion worldwide. Unfortunately, it still relatively unknown in the US, but that is quickly changing.

In this volume, you will be introduced to the method of

Bokashi composting,including the how to, where to and when to and results of the system. For example:

You will discover the history behind this accidentally discovered, amazing yet simple system.

You will learn how to quickly and easily get started with the bokashi system.

You will learn how to save money by making your own tools and supplies from locally available sources.

You will discover the many uses of the various products you can create with what you will learn in this book.

You will learn to make lactobacillus and the many uses for it.

Remember, your soil is a living thing, and when properly fed, can produce amazing results.

Now is your chance to get started on saving money and increasing the size and quality of your organic harvests.

This essential guide is a must-have read and reference for anyone who wishes to turn formerly un-useable waste products into black gold for gardens, composting systems, vermicomposters, container growers and anyone that wishes to help keep waste out of our landfills.

Kitchen scraps to black gold in a few short weeks,

“Bokashi Composting”

is a complete step-by-step, do–it-yourself guide written by a longtime practicing organic gardener and dedicated bokashi system user.

Scroll up and get your copy now.

Free on 3rd - 7th Dec 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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