
Free on 5th - 9th Feb 15
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A Proven, Step-By-Step Method To Living Healthy and Cancer Free!

In the pages of this book, you will finally discover the link between diet and cancer. There are certain foods that cause cancer and certain foods that will greatly reduce your risk of developing cancer.

Did you know that it has been estimated that there will be over 1.6 million NEW cancer cases in the year 2014? Of that number, just a little over 1.1 million have a survival rate past five years. There has to be something that can be done to make these numbers look just a little bit better, right?

The causes of cancer are quite diverse and complex, and are really only slightly understood. There are many things that are known to increase cancer risk, such as: tobacco use, environmental pollutants, lack of exercise, obesity, exposure to radiation, infections, and even dietary factors. You mean the foods that you eat have an effect on your cancer risk?

Yes, the foods that you eat can impact your risk for cancer- both for the worse and for the better. Keeping up with the foods that cause and the foods that prevent cancer risk can be pretty confusing. That is what this book is for! This book will help guide you through this confusing maze of what’s good for you and what is not. The things you should have in your diet and the things you should not.

In Cancer Prevention Diet: The Revolutionary Cancer Prevention Diet to Live Healthy & Cancer Free, you will learn valuable tips to help prevent you from developing cancer at some point in your life. The environment we live in and the foods we consume contribute a lot to the cancer rates in the world. There are some foods that you should strictly avoid in order to live the healthiest life you can. There are others that you can consume, but only in moderation, as too much of a good thing can be a bad thing. Then, there are some foods that are so good for you, that you should consume at least some of them every day of your life.

Whether you are already in the middle of a battle with cancer or you have a family history of cancer, the lifestyle choices you make do have an impact in helping you to fight off cancer. When you start to make smart choices about the foods that you consume, you begin to protect your health, start feeling much better, and even boost your ability to fight off cancer.

In addition to diet, there are some other things that you can do to help lower your risk of developing cancer. There are some cancers that are related to being overweight or obese. Weight control and maintenance can partially be taken care of with diet, but you do need to do some sort of exercise. Ideally, you should do thirty minutes to an hour of moderate exercise each day- but if that’s too much, just take two ten minute walks each day to start with and work your way up.

Here Is A Preview Of What You’ll Learn…

What is Cancer

Common Questions and Answers regarding Diet and Cancer

6 Tips for Cancer Prevention

10 Foods that Prevent Cancer

10 Foods that Cause Cancer

Much, much more!

Download this book and start taking back your life and kick Cancer to the Curb!

Free on 5th - 9th Feb 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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