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So what are chakras? The Chakras are points in our bodies where concentrated energy flows. These points usually coincide with major glands and organs in our bodies. There are many chakras. However, the 7 primary chakras tend to garner all the attention. They govern our entire being. They have varying levels of activity; some are more readily energized and aligned when compared with others. For instance, the more experience you have on this earth, i.e. the older you are, the more your root chakra will be firmly “rooted” and more difficult to clear and balance; similar to the roots of an ancient sequoia tree.

This book contains information that should enable you to better understand what the chakras are as well as the important functions they have when it comes to our physical and spiritual well-being. In the following chapters, you’ll also be provided the information you’ll need to be able to tell if there are any imbalances in the primary chakras. You will be given the tools – crystals, essential oils/aromatherapy, color therapy, hydrotherapy or spiritual bath therapy, exercises and affirmations that will help energize and align the chakras with your highest potential.

3 Reasons Why Chakras (and This Book) Matter

1. Learning to Energize and Align your Chakras can have a strong effect on your entire life, rather quickly.

2. This book gives you simple ways to energize and align your chakras using methods that fit your lifestyle preferences. These methods can be found in the “Energy and Thought” Section of this book.

3. This book is written by a spiritual energy healer who deeply cares about the positive evolution of humanity and believes learning to energize and align our chakras is one of the keys to that positive evolution.

Free on 21st - 25th Oct 15
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