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Free on 13th Dec 16
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If a man’s dreams are better than life, then what is the incentive to wake up? 

Donovan Stone loves three things: movies, police work, and his best friend Jessica. But despite being a hero in a terror siege, his abrasive attitude gets him fired from the force. And Jessica won’t have him. And his movie posters are gathering dust. But in his dreams Stone processes the clues, and they’re coming together. Can he get the police to listen to him before the terrorists strike again? 

Reviewers on Amazon US and UK wrote: “A great read if you want punchy, hard-boiled dialogue and loads of action.” “I really enjoyed this book, with its mix of the dire reality of everyday life and the escapism of the dream world.” “I especially love Bart’s comfortable, yet sophisticated, use of language.” “It’s a book that can be talked about and contemplated. Well done!” “The author keeps the reader on edge with the varying dream sequences.” And they’re just getting started! 

Donovan Stone, abrasive police detective, aficionado of classic films, and widower, is such a man. Devastated after being fired from the force following a violent crime, he is unable to officially investigate the incident and bring the perpetrators to justice. Spiralling into dejection, Donovan’s life could be considered no more successful or happy than a train wreck. His only hope is the affection of a woman, who also happens to be his best friend, and who does not want to engage in a romance with him. 

But each night, as he sleeps, Donovan’s dreams grant him a release, living out fantasised versions of the movies he so enjoys, while gaining insights into the crime. He finds solace in his dreams, where he can enjoy the good things that life denies him. There he’s successful, happy, and free, until Donovan’s world of dreams crosses over into his reality with deadly consequences. Can he fight his way back from the brink of oblivion, save the life of the woman he is in love with (and who is not in love with him), and stop the terrorists – and will it be worth his while? 

Dreams, classic movie genres, and reality meet in a dangerous cocktail.

Free on 13th Dec 16
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