
Free on 14th - 17th Oct 15
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Do you have creativity and a desire to profit from your skills but no idea where or how to start a business? Have you had the idea over and over again that you could turn this talent into a business but continue to get confused and frustrated with the process?

You Are Not Alone…

Do you feel lost and alone in this new business world with nowhere to turn for guidance?

This easy to read and implement book will show you how to start your creative business from home and from scratch. This book will solve your problem of feeling lost and needing a little guidance to insure you have all your “ducks in a row” when starting a small business.

Get the Know How…

Creative Business Startup has been designed to walk you through, step by step, exactly what you need to do and how you need to do it to be a successful business owner and operator.

This book is for women who suffer from the mindset of, “I’m lost,” “where do I begin”, “Help, I’ve never done this before” or “my mind is creative, I don’t think in business ways”.

As a creative small business owner myself, I’ve spent years studying, learning and mastering the steps it takes to start a small business from the ground up.

Creative Business Startup will give you the tools and ability to start your business through:

Branding your business for your ideal client confidently and accurately

Legally forming your business and deciding what is right for you

Creating systems for your business so you can manage and make more money.

Developing a Marketing strategy so you don’t feel like a salesperson but still bring in sales

When you read through this book, complete the checklist and use the Tool Kit you’ll be more likely to have a profitable business, organized life and confidant spirit.

The time it will take you to see results will almost be instantaneously. After the very first action step you’ll already be on your way to creating a professional and profitable small business.

What’s stopping you from turning your creative talent into a profitable small business today?

Scroll to the top and click the “buy now” button.

Free on 14th - 17th Oct 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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