Author: Genre: (, , ) Length: Novel

Free on 27th - 31st Jan 14
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Mary Ann Murphy has become overly picky about dating since her break-up with the person she thought was the one. She has no intentions of making the same mistake again, especially when the man in question is one of her mother’s set-ups.

Kyle Davidson has sworn off relationships and considers himself a bad catch after his last girlfriend accused him of using his work and causes to avoid intimacy.

To return a favor to a wily matchmaker, Kyle unwittingly agrees to be Mary Ann’s partner when she wins ballroom dancing lessons. As the two step their way through the first class, an attraction flares between them, melting the ice around Mary Ann’s heart. Still, she knows better than to fall for her sexy leading man with the killer gaze. He’s made it clear he’s not looking for long-term and she won’t settle for anything less.

Despite the passion that ignites every time he takes the angel in his arms to the dance floor, Kyle is determined to keep things light. Mary Ann’s girl-next-door persona is enough of an enticement to draw Kyle away from his work temporarily, but it can’t last. She’s the type who deserves a Happily-Ever-After. She certainly doesn’t need him and his baggage messing up her life.

Free on 27th - 31st Jan 14
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