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Free on 25th - 27th Feb 18
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DASH Diet for Beginners – Learn how the DASH diet can drastically improve your health and your weight!

*A complete DASH diet guide to living your healthiest life ever!*

The DASH diet is a lifelong well-balanced approach to healthy eating promoted by the National Institutes of Health that is based on nutrient-rich whole foods. This book will teach you exactly how to reach and maintain a healthy weight while lowering blood pressure and cholesterol.

Change your food – Change your life

U.S. News and World Report chose the DASH diet as the best overall diet, the healthiest diet and the best diet for diabetes for four years in a row.

It is estimated that hypertension or high blood pressure affects over 1 billion people worldwide. Not only is high blood pressure the leading cause of death, it also increases the risk of stroke and heart disease.

The DASH diet encourages reducing the sodium in your diet and increasing your consumption of calcium, magnesium, potassium and fiber by eating a fabulous selection of delicious whole foods that lower blood pressure. Eating vegetables, fruits whole grains, fish, lean meats, low-fat dairy and healthy fats is all part of the DASH diet healthy eating plan.

The DASH diet works if you work it

The DASH diet is endorsed by the American Heart Association and is scientifically proven to lower blood pressure and cholesterol. Research has also shown that the DASH diet is extremely effective in promoting weight loss which has popularized it as a weight loss diet.

In a step-by-step way, The DASH Diet for Beginners Quick Start Guide to Fast Natural Weight Loss, Lower Blood Pressure and Better Health, Including DASH Diet Recipes and a 7-Day Meal Plan is going to teach you everything you need to know about how to successfully apply the DASH diet to your life.

DASH Diet for Beginners teaches you:

What is the DASH dietWhy the DASH diet was createdHow the DASH diet promotes weight lossThe characteristics of the DASH dietDASH diet food groupsThe DASH diet food listPortion control and serving sizesTips to lower your sodium intakeTips to make the switch to DASH diet eatingDASH diet 7-day meal plan with calorie count30 MINUTE DASH diet recipes…..and much more!

The recipes contained in this book will help you maximize your DASH diet efforts and they’ll take the thinking out of what to cook!

Delicious DASH diet recipes included:

Raspberry MuffinsSun-Dried Tomato Basil PizzaChicken in White Wine and Mushroom SauceBalsamic Chicken Salad with PineappleTomato Basil BruschettaFruit Kebabs with Lemony Lime DipPeach Honey SpreadArtichoke Dip…..and much more!

Discover why so many people are embracing this amazing diet for weight loss and better health!


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Free on 25th - 27th Feb 18
View on Amazon.co.uk


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