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Free on 20th - 22nd Oct 16
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Wouldn’t you like to be more attractive?

Sure, we all would. But there is a problem. Most of us fail to understand exactly what the word attractive really means. We are often confused by the desire mechanisms of the opposite sex. It isn’t our fault— culture and society are just constantly moving the goal posts.

Biology, however, is one thing that doesn’t move or change. The fact is: what we’d like to believe about our sexuality, and the real nuts and bolts beneath, are often two entirely different things. And so, from such misgivings, the knowledge in this book becomes powerful enough to change destinies.

“Just be yourself” is the answer most men get when they voice their dating frustrations, and so the cycle continues. In fact, most of us spend our whole lives being force-fed such cheerful lies about dating and relationships. But the truth, while painful, is more powerful than any polite delusion.

In this unflinching look into the workings of human attraction, long-time author and founder of www.thehumananimal.net Seth Joseph shatters the rose colored glass through which society sees relationships between men and women. Using scientific research as his backing, he discusses the biological imperatives that have made the current dating climate of tinder and nightclubs what it is today. Through this instinctual and yet often forgone knowledge, one can hone in on just what it takes to be attractive and stand out in the confounding world of dating and relationships.

Free on 20th - 22nd Oct 16
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