Author: Genre: Length: Novel

Free on 16th - 20th Nov 16
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Olawale’s grand about the ongoing Nigerian and American drug barons struggle that merges facts and fiction to tell the remarkable, tragic story of the blood-drenched sway of the notorious drug baron; Ahmed Bali. Jumping from clocklike, but never less than gripping dialogue of the strategy behind the cartel’s deal to the story of the people involved.
Olawale draws the reader in with rich depiction not only of the ‘Agent killer; Lucas Williams, but also of the other cartel figures, envoys, and innocent victims.

Tony, a man of eighteen metres tall who had never travelled out of Africa, joins a crew ‘Anchor point organization with his friends; Andrew and Chima. Their journey was transformative in a rebellious departure from their motherland, forcing to confront the problems within and beyond Niger delta region, while figuring out who they were, and why they were sent along.

The ground is terrific, the prose is outstanding, and the characters all live, breathe, and bleed. It is a blazing novel about crime, race, and coming-of-age. The sci-fi thriller combines benzene suspense.

Olawale delivers a perfect mingle of character and plot, light and dark, and he totally immerses the reader in an enticing narrative. Olawale fills in more gaps in backgrounds, and family life.

Free on 16th - 20th Nov 16
View on Amazon.co.uk


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