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Take the first step to reverse your diabetes today!

Every 6 seconds, 1 person dies from diabetes, leaving millions of devastated spouses, children and parents around the world to grieve the loss of a loved one. With 12 percent of global health expenditures spent on diabetes, billions of dollars in financial burdens are weighing down families and societies globally.

According to mainstream science, there is officially no cure for type 2 diabetes. But more and more people who’ve been able to reverse their diabetes through diet and exercise have proven otherwise.

The best way to reverse your diabetes is with the power of RAW FOODS!

I’ve outlined a comprehensive plan made up of 4 phases to help you reverse your diabetes and remain healthy long thereafter.

The first phase is a weeklong weaning phase and the second phase consists of a vegetable juice detox. The third, main phase is the 100 percent raw food portion of the diet, lasting 30 days. Then in the final phase, you can begin incorporating cooked foods and even some animal proteins back into your diet.

In this book you’ll learn about:

The causes and health risks of diabetes

How food choices play such a big role in the development of this disease

What the Raw Food Diet is and how it can reverse diabetes

How to go about the “The Raw Food Diet for Diabetes Reversal”

Delicious raw food recipes and sprouting techniques

And much more

Download today!

Free on 1st - 5th Aug 16
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