
Free on 18th Nov 17
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Disrupt ,Reinvent , Transform and Innovate.. How is it Possible to stay ahead … or Can we change the Game !
Given this time of rapid global change ,it is important that all individuals works to address new innovation and seize new opportunities happening every day , anywhere .
Business in the developed world has progressively move into a new era where new technologies and funding possibilities are driving disruptive trends creating a new look into the sharing economy and revolutionize the ways innovators manage new ideas in implementation and manufacturing .
From the popular crowdfunding financial services like Kickstarter, office space sharing through PivotDesk , transport service rendered by Uber , educational services on Skillshare , childcare and household assistance through co-ops such as Taskrabbit and more localized services like Rapid Prototyping incubation centers , F&B delivering platform and even bicycle sharing services , the sharing economy is now very much acceptable to most empowered consumers for many sectors.
The new frugal innovative business concept behind the sharing economy provides a way to use an asset less expensively or with frugality than has ever been possible before and yet allow service providers to gain some incremental income from customer’s service purchase and benefits the customers who also gain from being able to access to product and services that they require when they need them without the burden of owning them.
This new emergence of peer-to-peer sharing companies such as Airbnb, Mobike and Uber has been one of the more intriguing developments in recent years both for online web development but also in this new sharing economy. They have brought on the overhauling the traditional concept of business versus consumer by enabling users to offer up their assets like their apartments, cars or teaching skills in return for monetary gains .
Out with the Old , In with the New
But it could mean bad news for most traditional businesses that fail to transform or reinvent to adapt . The sharing economy are creating new economic value and disrupting current established industry players. There is a gradual shift occurring and I believe all industries will be or are already being affected by this change
The understanding and practice of disruptive innovation should be taken as a priority -as market leaders must believe newly developed product or services eventually will displaces established competitors-should be under every marketing leader’s agenda.
One rule stand above the rest , and if you want to survive , – you must embrace for change to Disrupt , Reinvent , Transform and Innovate
Ignoring this basic belief could make your company the next diminishing service provider . Businesses need to rev up their innovation engines quickly because they are losing market share and brand security with each passing day
This book will provide a fresh perspective on innovation and change , identifying and gauging how fast innovation model will be adopted and understand the psychology of business disruption and explain just how to reinvent concepts and ideas from the start but ways to continuously meet today’s constantly challenging market’s competitive environment . Beside it will provide insight on Crowdfunding which offer new avenues for funding new products or startups and the ease of using such platforms to getting new business financially sound and readied for their venture which could also be attached with a steep learning curve.
Many startup ventures may find themselves caught into unfamiliar territories without the real knowledge of choosing a platform, crafting a pitch and attracting investors

Free on 18th Nov 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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