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In the novel, Dominoes, Horace Pitts is accused of attempted kidnapping when he tries to catch a glimpse of Laney Branson-O’Brien, a child he fathered through sperm donation. At the same time, Ardina Rinoldi hatches a plot to kidnap Laney’s older brother – a baby she gave up for adoption seven years earlier. Eventually, Horace learns that what we believe is not necessarily true when his friend Dennis allegedly commits suicide after admitting to Lieutenant Joe Maurin (Horace’s brother-in-law) that he broke confidentiality by providing Horace with information about Laney. Meanwhile, Ardina stalks the Branson-O’Briens in the Nevada County fairgrounds during a bluegrass festival hoping for an opportunity to snatch their adopted son, Will. But, elsewhere in Grass Valley, Horace’s wife, Sally, succumbs to a mental breakdown and is hospitalized only to be overdosed with haloperidol which sends her into a coma. You’ll be left to draw many of your own conclusions as this novel twists and turns its way to the end.

All characters in this novel are fictional, so any similarity to a real person is completely coincidental, and the address numbers used do not actually exist. Please note that all but the ending pages of this book were written in 2012, and the novel was copyrighted before the Supreme Court overruled California’s Proposition 8, therefore references to California’s marriage laws reflect conditions during the time period between the passage of Proposition 8 and the Supreme Court’s recent ruling.

Free on 1st - 5th Mar 14
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