
Free on 26th Jan 18
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Have you wondered how the President became a Billionarire ? How he is as a person ? What his life is now as a President ?

Donald John Trump i? th? 45th President ?f th? United St?t??, in ?ffi?? since J?nu?r? 20, 2017. In ?dditi?n t? b?ing a politician, h? i? a ?u?????ful bu?in??? m?gn?t? ?nd t?l?vi?i?n personality ?? w?ll.
Donald Trump is a U.S. citizen, and his parents were U.S. citizens before he was born. His ancestors and all four of his grandparents, on the other hand, lived in Scotland or Germany. His paternal grandfather, Frederich Trump, came from Bavaria in 1885. After becoming a citizen, Frederick, a new name he had chosen for his new life, got rich in the Alaskan Gold Rush by providing gold seekers with dining and accommodations on their journeys.

How was he a child ?
Donald went to Kew-Forest School as a child. The school is a private college-prep school for children in preschool through high school age. His father was a board member of the school. Donald was bright but unfortunately had behavior problems. So, before his eighth-grade year is family sent him to New York Military Academy in hopes of straightening him out and teaching him discipline.

Donald Trump is who he is. He is a consummate businessman and a skilled negotiator. He has the kind of intelligence it takes to graduate from Wharton and the kind of vision it takes to build monumental skyscrapers. He has strong opinions on most issues, and he doesn’t bend to the modern social pressure to be politically correct. For these reasons and others, Trump has gained many loyal followers.

Is that a good thing or a bad thing? I am not one to judge, so you will have to make up your mind about his lifestyle and character. Has he been able to achieve great things through his go-getter, take-no-prisoners attitude? Absolutely! Facts don’t lie. The man has withstood financial, personal, and now political hurricanes and still comes out on top.

This book is excellent for telling you everything you might want to know about the 45th President . It’s a great read and i would highly recommend you adding this book to your reading list no doubt about it .

Free on 26th Jan 18
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