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A Concise and No-Fluff Guide on the Dukan Diet

Get this Kindle Book for just $2.99. Regularly priced at $4.99. Read on your PC, Mac, smart phone, tablet or Kindle device.

In this book, you will learn that you can lose weight drastically and not regain the pounds back. Also, you are sure to have fun while doing it. Losing weight need not be a huge sacrifice that forces you to eat boring and bland foods. Instead you will find out that dieting can be fun as you try out and experiment on various recipes that are healthy and flavorful at the same time.

This book provides you with vital information on the Dukan Diet, an effective weight loss program based on sound nutritional principles. You will learn about the 4 phases of the diet that will ensure that you lose weight and maintain your ideal weight for life. You will find out that you can have unlimited quantities of lean protein that will guarantee that you feel full and avoid hunger pangs.

You will also be provided with a step-by-step guide to get you started and continue on the diet. The guide is simple enough for any beginner to follow. There will be tips and recommendations that will ensure that you stick to the diet.

You will also learn about the various myths about the Dukan Diet, be able to correct those false beliefs, and will be further motivated to change your eating habits and follow the Dukan Diet for the rest of your life.

Finally, this book includes bonus recipes that are easy to prepare and flavorful at the same time. You will find out that you can have fun preparing your meals and that diets don’t necessarily mean having a hard time.

Table of Contents

IntroductionAn Overview of the Dukan DietThe Attack PhaseThe Cruise PhaseThe Consolidation PhaseThe Stabilization PhaseStep-by-Step Guide to Following the Dukan DietStep-by-Step Guide to Following the Dukan DietShattering Myths About the Dukan DietBonus RecipesConclusion

Download your copy today!

Tags: dukan diet, dukan diet recipes, dukan diet benefits, lose weight, weight loss

Free on 10th - 14th Aug 17
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