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Free on 11th - 15th Jan 15
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If You Are Tired Of Living A “Secret Life” That Revolves Around Food, Then…

Learn How An Ex Food-Addict From Houston, Texas Created A Proven System To Overcome Binge Eating Disorder Which Allowed Her To Gain Back Control Of Her Life…

… And How You Can Do The Same Much Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible!”

Emotional eating. Compulsive eating. Binge eating. Call it what you want, but I called it my deepest, darkest secret that I never told anyone about…

Does any of this sound familiar to you?

As soon as the clock struck noon, I was already out the door and headed to my car. It had been another bad day at work and I struggled to fight back the tears as I started my car.

I pulled out of the parking garage and headed towards the only place I knew that would ease my pain: a fast food place.

I pulled up to the drive-thru and placed my order holding a piece of paper in my hands, just in case there was anyone watching. I mean, after all, I wouldn’t want anyone to think that I was ordering all of this food for just myself.

After I placed my order, I drove up to the window to pay. As the woman handed me the bags, I pretended to check off the items on the fake list I had created just moments before.

After I paid, I drove to the far end of the parking lot where no other cars parked, and I began to eat. And eat. And eat.

Before I realized it, I had consumed all four meals.

Does Any Of This Sound Familiar To You?

– I used to be someone that knew all of the empty and secluded parking lots to sit and eat so that no one could see how much food I was actually consuming.

– I used to be someone that ordered many different things from different fast food places, while pretending to be on my cell phone placing orders for other people, besides myself.

– I used to be someone that threw away the evidence (food wrappers) in different locations so that no one would find out.

– I used to be someone that made myself feel better by eating.

– I used to be someone that celebrated happiness by eating, but I also ate any time that I felt bad or when something went wrong.

– I used to be someone that hated myself for my behavior, but I didn’t know how to stop and control it.

– I used to be someone that thought something was wrong with me and that I was the only one with this problem.

– I used to be someone that had Binge Eating Disorder.

Yes. That was me. I used to be all of the above. THAT’S WHY I WROTE THIS BOOK.

Grab this book do day and…

“Take Control Of Your Life Starting Now. There Is An End To Your Binge Eating, And You Are Just A Few Moments Away From Starting Your Journey To Recovery.”

Free on 11th - 15th Jan 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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