
Free on 24th - 28th Feb 17
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Event management: Plan Events Like a Professional, Impress Your Clients and be Your Own Boss in 12 Simple Steps

In Event Planning, you will finally learn just how to create and manage any successful event, impress your clients and even start your own event planning business, using an easy to follow step by step guide and FREE action plan. Even if you have no prior experience, this book will teach you how to become your own boss and start a creative career in event planning. Download this book today.

Event planning is something that most people will eventually be confronted with in their lives – in personal and professional capacities. Sometimes it falls on your plate unexpectedly, when you’re requested by your boss to arrange an “intimate evening” for 100 potential clients, causing you to have a minor panic attack; or you’re put in charge as a best man or maid of honour, and all of a sudden need to throw a bachelor party for 50 people; or you just want your child to have an incredible 10th birthday party. Some of you may even be considering event planning as a profession, and need some building blocks to start on.

This book covers all of those bases as a beginner’s guide to event planning. By the time you’re done reading it, you’ll have a great holistic idea of how to approach your event. Otherwise, because the book is broken up into easy-to-follow steps covering each of the main components of event planning, you can also use it as a referral in areas you are uncertain about, or as a refresher when you are trying something new you are unfamiliar with.

Included with the steps is a comprehensive checklist for both small and big events, as well as a comprehensive checklist for weddings, which you can use every time you plan an event to ensure you have everything covered. You can even add to these checklists to customise them to suit your specific needs and area of planning!

So are you ready to plan an unforgettable event? Let’s get started!

Tags: (event planning, experience, organise, manage, success, new career, be your own boss, work from home)

Free on 24th - 28th Feb 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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