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Free on 31st Aug 17 - 4th Sep 17
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A book that will rekindle that motivational urge within you

Fast Motivation that Lasts is the book to supercharge your motivation levels and keep it fueled for the rest of your life.Whether you know it or not, deep within you lies a powerful being waiting to be awoken.
Have you ever envied someone for how they have it all together? Their secret lies in how they’re able to rapidly generate motivational energy through their thought processes & sustain those levels without burning out.

Getting motivated doesn’t have to be a plodding, boring chore. Sure it’ll need some work but once you fire up that motivational engine in the right way, it will drive you for the rest of your life. Dylan has spent a lot of time gleaning insights from elite performers and people who generally have their life together. He designed Fast Motivation to deliver a condensed nugget of motivational thought ignition.Many of the techniques in this book are unique and previously unpublished.

Some of the concepts covered include:
Self Motivation StrategiesRapid Motivation Booster TacticsTechniques to Sustain Intrinsic MotivationMotivation Mistakes

Life goes by in the blink of an eye. Every poor quality moment you spend takes you away from really feeling the joy of achieving your goals. What you need is Fast motivation (that lasts).

Free on 31st Aug 17 - 4th Sep 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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