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Free on 20th - 24th Jul 14
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If anyone has ever done you wrong ~ you need to read this book!

Author Mark Zane offers the fundamental truths behind forgiveness and forgiving. You owe yourself this opportunity to forgive and move forward.

By the author of the popular eBooks Anger Management & Anger Acidity and Confidence Starts Here.

Learning to forgive…

We have all been hurt, abused or insulted and felt the intense sting of emotional resentment, anger and frustrations born of being wronged. Our parents, lovers, friends, employers and numerous others can quickly tear at our sense of dignity and pride. It can leave us feeling terrible, guilty and frustrated. Learning to forgive others and ourselves is the only way we can move on from much of the pain we experience in life. Learning that forgiveness and forgiving is key to our own happiness and success is the first step in truly owing your future. Every instance of resentment we let linger does nothing to those who wronged us – it tears only at our own heart and soul.

Learning Forgiveness & Forgiving is key to making your own life fuller, more open to compassion, more understanding and lived with true integrity and dignity. Learning to forgive, forgiving our parents, forgiving the unforgivable is all part of growing as a person, moving on from past pain and sorrow and taking full ownership of our own lives. Forgiving others, forgiving ourselves, forgiveness and hope are fundamental building blocks of richer lives, deeper relationships and greater success. People are drawn to confidence and integrity, and learning to forgive, letting others know they are forgiven and understanding that forgiveness is a choice is your opportunity to make your life richer and more rewarding, now and each and every day henceforth.

Forgiving lies is just one part of forgiveness. Forgiving yourself and forgiving your own past is as important as forgiving your parents or an old boss, lover, friend or family member. Learning forgiveness and forgiving so those who hurt you or wronged you are truly forgiven is the truly liberating, setting you on a road to personal confidence and greater success in life.

Forgiveness & Forgiving will help you move on to a fuller, happier life.

  • What is forgiveness?
  • What forgiveness is not.
  • Learning to forgive yourself.
  • Forgiving your parents.
  • Forgiveness is a choice.
  • Forgiving the unforgivable.
  • Forgiving others for our own good.
  • Knowing when to ask for help.
  • Much, much more!

Please download this insightful book on forgiveness today!

Forgiveness and forgiving is much more than forgetting past pain or humiliation. Learning to forgive, even if that is forgiving the unforgivable is liberating, empowering and key to living a fuller happier life.

Mark Zane is author of the best selling book Anger Management & Anger Acidity; How to stop anger and build positive relationships. Other books by Mark Zane; Self Confidence Starts Here & Family Life, Stress & Building Loving Relationships.

Download this insightful book by Mark Zane today!

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Free on 20th - 24th Jul 14
View on Amazon.co.uk


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