Author: Genre: Length: Novella

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This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to normalize your blood sugar levels, avoid diabetes and heart disease by using the glycemic index to evaluate what foods are best for you. Learn how to use the Glycemic Index to make gradual, lasting changes in your diet. You will then realize that making the best food choices comes naturally to you. What may come as a surprise to you is that the GI diet is not a “diet” per se where you have to follow specific meal plans, count calories, make lists of food to eat and food items to avoid; it’s rather a way of life. You understand how high and low blood sugar levels can affect your health and your feelings of well being. You are able to identify the direct link between GI and controlling diabetes or even substantially reducing the risk of becoming diabetic. This book also includes some delicious, low GI recipes you can prepare quickly on busy days.

Here Is A Preview Of What You’ll Learn

Glycemic Index made easy

Glycemic Index—an overview

Measuring the Glycemic Index of foods

Why all carbs are not created equal

The facts about sugar

Health benefits of the Glycemic Index

The GI and reduced Diabetes risk

The GI path to Weight Loss

The GI path to improved Heart Health

The GI way to fuel your workout

The GI way of life for healthy eating with no calorie counting

Following a Glycemic Index Diet is easy

Planning a Glycemic Index Diet meal

Low GI recipes

A list of the GI rank of over 150 foods

33 Steps to Weight Loss Success

And much more!

Why Choose the Glycemic Index Diet?

GI, which stands for Glycemic Index, is a number. This number is assigned to a food, mainly carbohydrates, based on how fast its sugars and starches are digested and absorbed into the bloodstream when compared with pure glucose. So, this means that a low GI indicates that the food is digested and absorbed more slowly.

Reduced Diabetes risk: Consuming too much of sugar makes heavy demands on insulin-producing cells. It wears them out. Over time, insulin stops responding to the high blood sugar levels and finally, insulin production eventually stops. You develop diabetes. Studying and understanding a basic glycemic index chart (included in this book!) can be very helpful in forming a dietary plan. You will learn to focus on foods that are lowest on the glycemic chart. These foods are rich in proteins and healthy fats. You can almost eliminate the risk of contracting diabetes by following the GI Diet. By protecting your insulin response from being over worked, the GI Diet keeps your heart, brains and other organs healthier, even if you have a history of diabetes in your family.

Lose weight effectively: The GI Diet teaches you to make food choices that allow you to lose weight naturally – and even better, keep it off easily. This is because by following a low GI diet, you choose food that keeps your sugar and insulin levels on a healthy and constant plateau. You don’t feel the need to keep eating.

Improve your heart health: The GI Diet will allow you to choose food which will help to lower your cholesterol, which in turn will reduce the chances of developing other health issues.

Tags: Glycemic Diet Guide, Glycemic Diet kindle, Glycemic Diet recipes, Glycemic Diet recipe book, lose weight, diet book, fat loss, weight loss, lose weight, health and wellness, healthy eating, high blood sugar, diabetes diet, high cholesterol, low cholesterol, heart health, heart attack, type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, low blood sugar, insulin resistance diet

Free on 22nd Jan 18
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