
Free on 8th - 12th Nov 14
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Googa Nark is an exciting tale where our hero, Googa Nark, must embark on a fantastical adventure to rescue the lost princess Skayshee Wardle from the vicious Booloorg Pirates. With the help of a trusted Crunzy Dragon, a faithful fairy-like Thranch, and an inquisitive Falum Falep, Googa Nark charges into his quest, encountering dwarves, barbarians, Drobel Bunnies and many other incredible creatures.

Googa Nark is not your typical tale. Some would argue that it is all make believe yet others would argue that it is true. Who is to say? I suppose that if you have never met the Treeple yourself, or spent the summer in Azum Varky, you might be inclined to dismiss it. But if you have happened upon a Nobquiddull Cave and found yourself at a party with the Iggle Tee Jibs, then you know how real it is.

Googa Nark expects you to use your imagination. That is what it is there for! It also invites you to use the Glossary. I know that most of you are already familiar with the Raff Snaff and the Frazz, but for those of you who aren’t – and for those of you who need a refresher – the Glossary is your friend.

Googa Nark is a great book to read out loud or read together. It is a wonderful book for story time. Moms and Dads can read it to their kids or kids can read it to their parents! Have fun with the wacky names and crazy descriptions! Laugh along when someone has to say “Gor Gor Oochy Wog” or “Rip Snippy Ching Ling!” Enjoy the world of Googa Nark!

What does Googa Nark look like? Can you imagine a Crunzy Dragon? Have you ever seen a Wibstob Willow? I invite you to take pen or pencil or crayon in hand. Unlock you imagination and show the world what the world of Googa Nark truly looks like. Send me a picture of a creature or person or place or a scene and I will share it with everyone else.

Visit www.googanark.com to find out how!

Free on 8th - 12th Nov 14
View on Amazon.co.uk


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