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Free on 27th - 31st Aug 17
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Use My Powerful Methods During Your Midlife Crisis And If You Happen To Have A Disorder Such As Adult ADHD, Dyslexia Or Even OCD To Gain Self Confidence In Using What You Naturally Have, Being A male and Implement That Into The Dating World. If nothing else works and you’re down and out during your midlife crisis, the only thing that seems to work is thinking, interacting or even dreaming about a female.
Are you a nerd, gamer, wealth creator, Janitor or a procrastinator? Maybe you have some sort of disorder like adult ADHD, dyslexia or OCD. In this book I give you some tips on not just how to overcome your midlife crisis, but having a mental disorder attached to it and use those quirky traits to overcome your challenge by the only motivator that seems to help when all else fails, female interaction. Let me guide you through the wonders of the dating world and what comes naturally to us as men to get out of the “shameful and embarrassing” midlife crisis. What is it that comes naturally you ask? Funny you should ask. It’s being who you are, a male.
Sit back, relax and off course read my e-book while I take you through a step by step process into the known unknown world of dating any woman you so can freely choose in the midst of your midlife crisis.

I remember just wanting to drive for hours at a time by myself feeling low, but I’d see a female passing me and it would just do something. I don’t know what it is, but something seems to happen to the male brain when the thought or an interaction with a female comes up. I’ve learned to accept this fact and respect it for what it is. It’s the evolution of attraction. So, uhm…yep, I’m going with it. You need this book.

Here you’ll see a preview of what you’ll learn..
What is a midlife crisis
When and where to find dates
How to plan for a date
What to do and talk about on a date
Be cool and calm (mysterious)
Forget about her to a certain point.
You have it bad as a male, but not really.

Free on 27th - 31st Aug 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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