
Free on 30th Nov 17
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Most relationship advice books that focus on escaping the friend zone are from the perspective that you make a big move that works or sever all ties. These books are really cut and dry, and you either win or lose, no middle ground. What if I told you that there is plenty of middle ground? As a matter of fact, that is where you are going to get the biggest results. I have found some amazing techniques that are simple to implement, yet have incredible results if you are willing to follow along with me. Here’s a book that is going to draw on my own victories and failures, showing you from a real case study exactly how you can escape the friend zone and turn that friendship into a romantic relationship!

In her book, How to Escape the Friend Zone, Daytona Watterson—authority on relationship advice—shows you from trial and error, how you can get the best results if you want to escape the dreaded clutches of the friend zone. Whether you have been trapped in the friend zone for weeks or possibly years, once you understand the secrets to finally getting out, you will never have to suffer the pain of being in that position again. This book is not going to make your transform your personality or draw a line in the sand and make demands. You will learn step by step techniques that will walk you right out of the friend zone once and for all. Daytona will show you how she tried and failed, many times, and then finally fine-tuned her techniques until she was able to escape the friend zone successfully.

~ By showing you how being stuck in the friend zone ruined my chances at many romantic relationships, you get to see where you possibly are sitting as we speak. My experiences with being the doormat and basically doing anything I could to try get that person to notice me, are extremely painful to read. I had to endure many years of biting my tongue, in the hopes that they would realize I was the perfect one for them. I hope that my years of pain and eventual success will cut down your time being trapped inside the friend zone. I know that pain all too well, and right now you are very skeptical at doing anything that may send that person off into the arms of someone else. I’ve been there, and I know exactly what you are thinking. My experiences will definitely open your eyes, saving you time that you could be in a loving relationship with that person rather than waiting for them to magically come to the realization you are the perfect person for them. Daytona ~

Here Is A Preview Of What You’ll Learn…

  • Starting off as just friends
  • Dealing with the friend zone speech
  • Avoiding being just friends with benefits
  • Don’t ruin the friendship
  • How to make yourself more desirable
  • Identifying romantic opportunities to make your move
  • Revealing that you have romantic feelings
  • Much, much more!

Download your copy today!

Free on 30th Nov 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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