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How to Forgive:The Roadmap to Letting Go

Why is it hard to forgive?

Maybe you are ready to forgive, but the one who offended you refuses to own up to their errors and apologize. You may reason, “Why should I forgive when I am living with the painful consequences of the offense?” This book looks squarely at Christian forgiveness, why we need to forgive and the various reasons why it is so hard. You will learn to overcome the roadblocks to forgiveness and forgive for God’s glory and for your own good.

Learn What Forgiveness should be based on

You will learn the foundation on which to base your forgiveness. You will learn the “limit” to your forgiveness. For example, forgiveness does not imply that you resume a toxic relationship. Basing your forgiveness on a biblical foundation will help you to enjoy the benefits of forgiveness.

How do I Forgive Myself

In this volume, you will learn how to forgive yourself for the sins against God and against others. You will learn that no sin is beyond pardon. You will learn why and how to forgive yourself.

How do I forgive someone?

Learn how to forgive. Many people want to forgive but do not know how to. Sometimes they are taking giant steps and end up not being able to forgive. This book will show you how to take baby steps and forgive. You will learn how to avoid superficial forgiveness, so that you will enjoy the full benefits of true forgiveness.

You will learn of the examples recorded in the Bible of those who forgave, and these will aid in encouraging you to begin on the path to forgiveness.

Each Chapter ends with a Forgiveness Prayer

At the end of each chapter, there is a customized Forgiveness Prayer to help

readers approach God, in order to start on their path to forgiveness.

The chapters are short for easy reading This volume has examples and illustrations on forgiveness. Dr. Ikomi shares her own life experience of how she forgave the man who killed her husband and three children on an interstate while driving drunk.

About The Author

For the past 18 years, Dr. Tai Ikomi has been sharing her testimony of how she forgave the drunk who killed her husband and three children on an interstate highway Platte city, in Missouri. She travels all over the world sharing how the grace of God healed the tumultuous emotions over her tremendous loss, and also provided her with the power to forgive the drunk. Three years after her loss, she published her best seller and first book, His Beauty for My Ashes, an account of how the grace of God healed her wounded spirit and gave her a new lease on life. The book has become a classic book to help people who lose their loved ones.

Dr. Ikomi just released Forgiveness Disciples Series, a 5 volume series that delve into the topic of forgiveness. With over 100 chapters in the combined volumes, the reader looks at various aspects of forgiveness ranging from the benefits of forgiveness, to the reasons why forgiveness is hard and how to over it. Other topics include God’s forgiveness, forgiveness in the family, forgiveness in the church, leading a lifestyle of forgiveness. The author provides invaluable insight on how to forgive.

Dr. Ikomi holds a B.A. degree in French and an M.A. degree in Theology from Oral Roberts University Tulsa, Ok. She also holds a doctorate degree in Theology. She has written over 37 books covering various issues of victorious Christian living.

Dr. Ikomi speaks in conferences, churches on Forgiveness Discipleship and other practical issues of the Christian life. She represents the God, who is not only willing to comfort us in our affliction but who also can turn any situation around.

If you want to know what God says about forgiveness, you need to read this book. If you want to know how to forgive, you need to get a copy of this book. Grab yours today.

Free on 17th - 18th Jun 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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