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Free on 21st - 23rd Aug 14
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Learn how you can take control over your dating life.

This is the 1st book in The Dating Series.

The Dating Series is a comprehensive collection of eBooks that addresses multiple aspects of dating advice for men. This includes meeting women, striking conversations and initiating interactions, creating attraction, building a connection, asking them out, texting skills, dates, physical escalation, conversation skills, and developing relationships with them.

The Dating Series also discusses the mindsets that you need to have as a man in order to become attractive to women, the behaviors you should adopt, confidence and self-esteem, and the overall vibe that you need to have whenever you’re around women.

This 1st book in the series deals with the first step – how to meet new women. Some of the strategies discussed in the book may at first seem “obvious” to you. But on closer inspection, you will see that the book analyzes their advantages and disadvantages so that you can make up your mind on which strategies appeal to you most.

No longer will you feel helpless in not knowing how and where to meet women. This eBook will tell you exactly how, and with detailed explanations to help you.

When you feel that you have options or that you at least know how to take control of your dating life, instead of waiting for some opportunity to fall on your lap, you slowly start to have a mindset of abundance.

This mindset of abundance in itself will do wonders to your dating life because you won’t be as desperate or clingy to the girls that you do meet. When you feel abundant, you will be more at ease and relaxed on the dates you go on, you will feel less worried about “messing it up” with the girl, and you will feel more comfortable to be yourself when you’re around her.

This eBook will give you the tools so that you do eventually have that abundant mindset.

It will give you 10 solid strategies to meet new women, and analyze them in a way that will help you decide on which strategies appeal to you most.

Once you seriously apply these strategies, your dating life will improve without a doubt, and you will be well on your way to having more options and more abundance with women, and ultimately find the right girl for you.

So don’t hesitate, click the orange button on the top right and get this eBook RIGHT NOW, so you can learn how to meet more women and take control over your dating life.

Tags: How to meet women, How to meet girls, Dating advice for men, The Dating Series, How to get a girlfriend, Where to meet women, Where to meet girls, How to improve your dating life, How to date women.

Free on 21st - 23rd Aug 14
View on Amazon.co.uk


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