
Free on 14th - 16th Dec 23
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Meeting God. The mere idea is hard to comprehend. How could one possibly stand face to face with the One who created everything?

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There are scriptures in the Holy Bible that insist that no one can see the face of God and live. Nevertheless, that same Bible has many accounts of people who at least bore witness to some aspect of God. Even Moses is said to have been allowed to see God’s back, while he “hid in the cleft of a rock.”

This book takes note of those historical accounts as well as those entirely outside of the scriptures, such as the stories of later Christian mystics. Saint Teresa of Avila and Saint Ignatius for example, experienced some rather powerful visions throughout their lives. They truly believed in the authenticity of their divine encounters and were utterly transformed by them.

But you certainly don’t have to be a Christian–or even religious–to have an encounter with God. This book compiles dreams, visions, and near-death experiences of people from all sorts of ideological backgrounds who have found themselves in a sudden encounter with the Supreme Being. These recollections are startling, stunning, thought-provoking–and more often than not–quite beautiful to behold.

Read on your favorite devices such as Kindle, iPhone, iPad, Android cellular phone, tablet, laptop, or computer with Amazon’s free reading Kindle App.

Scroll back up and click the BUY NOW button at the top right side of this page for an immediate download!

Free on 14th - 16th Dec 23
View on Amazon.co.uk


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