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Discover The Life And Work of John Grisham: How Grisham Turns Unique Life Experiences into an Impressive Body of Work!

Today only,get this Kindle book for just $0.99. Regularly priced at $ 4.99. Read on your PC, MAC, smart phone or Kindle Device.

“The Life and Works of John Grisham: How Grisham Turns Unique Life Experiences into an Impressive Body of Work” tells the story of how this famous author rose up from obscurity to become one of the most famous authors on the literary scene today. The book begins with a look at Grisham’s birth and childhood, and follows the course of his life up to the current day. The pages of this book reveal a man who is at once methodical and imaginative. It is a must-read for Grisham fans and new readers alike.

The book covers the following topics and more:

How Grisham grew up and what he learned as a child.Grisham’s legal and political careers How Grisham started writing. Grisham’s successful novels and films Grisham’s approach to writing.Current Grisham projects.

Download your copy today!

For a limited time, The Life and Work of John Grisham is available on Kindle for .99, regularly priced at $4.99. Don’t wait. Uncover the surprising facts about your favorite author today!

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Free on 7th - 11th Dec 14
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