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What if the lessons borrowed from Steve Jobs’ leadership could help you?

About ‘Leadership Development: If Steve Jobs was Coaching You’

Steve Jobs co-founded Apple in 1976 with Steve Wozniak. Both had the exceptional ambition to bring computers into every home. Forty years later, computers are indeed in every home, the Apple ones in particular, not to forget those we carry in our pockets, jackets or handbags on a daily and hourly basis.

But beyond this business success is a fascinating leadership story that numerous articles and comments have tried to analyze. In most of them, the question is always the same: whether or not Steve Jobs was a good leader and how he actually managed products, people and business developments throughout his career.

Still, one question remains unanswered for: how could things work for you if Steve Jobs was actually coaching you?

This book focuses on this exact question and provides a comprehensive review of the many skills and difficulties that have been characteristic of Steve Jobs’ leadership.

More specifically, it analyzes ten of the major challenges faced by most entrepreneurs nowadays and offers about thirty-five leadership tips that can be borrowed from Jobs’ life and experience to help the readers see through his leadership methods.

At the end of each session, of course, a series of questions is provided to help the readers think further and improve their own leadership by applying the discussions to their own management style. It’s up to you now…

About The Leadership Hacks Series

The Leadership Hacks Series are written with the aim of solving important problems that every single entrepreneur or manager faces one day or another, sooner or later. Only, most people do not seek to address those problems. You apparently are on the way to solving one problem, congratulations!

This book has been edited with the support of Philippe Bonnet, a professional business & leadership coach based in Hong Kong who helps international entrepreneurs based in Asia to deal with their management routine on a daily basis.

It will provide you with simple but very relevant and efficient leadership-related solutions that can be used immediately, after a quick read.

The rest will be for you to do!
Take action now!

Free on 23rd - 27th Jul 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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