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Free on 14th - 16th Jan 15
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On February 26, 2011, Nate Damm stood barefoot in the Atlantic Ocean on the Delaware coast, then put his shoes on and started walking west. Over 3,200 miles passed under his feet over the following seven-and-a-half months, and he found himself in San Francisco, having walked across America. This is the story of what drove Nate to hit the road and what he found once he got there. Featuring a cast of quirky, wild, and endearing characters, this is a story of heartbreak, redemption, random acts of kindness, blisters, idiotic drivers, no less than one bear attack, small towns, sanity lost somewhere in the desert, love, and what it takes to find peace and happiness at three miles per hour.

What readers are saying about Life On Foot on Amazon:

“If you have ever wondered how someone could actually drop everything and change their life to better themselves in an extremely unconventional way, this book is for you.”

“The book has given me a lot of inspiration to do what I want, and to never back down, no matter the odds.”

“There are a lot of books about long-distance hikes these days, but there are only about three good ones – this is one of the good ones.”

“I’m not a reader and hardly ever pick up a book, but I had a hard time putting this one down.”

“This is a wonderful read! Such adventure. It was like taking the walk with him. I wanted more then once to pack my backpack and make my own adventure.”

Free on 14th - 16th Jan 15
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