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Free on 25th - 29th Jul 17
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Do you walk in a room to organize and find yourself paralyzed and overwhelmed? Do you find yourself spending money on organizing solutions that don?t work? Do you feel like you put in effort but never make any progress?
Or maybe you know exactly what you want to do, and yet for some reason, you just can?t get started? Would you like to have less stress to have a more free life?

If you answered YES to any of those questions then you need to read this book

Organizing isn?t easy. But it doesn?t have to be impossible.

If you?ve been struggling with organization in your home and in your mind, it doesn?t mean your lazy or lethargic. It just means it?s time to try working with your brain instead of against it.

That means:

?Understanding how your mind works

?Recognizing your strengths and weaknesses

?Finding the strategies that work for you

In her latest book, Hazel Simpson explores the executive functions of the mind that directly affect your ability to organize your home: flexible thinking, working memory, self-monitoring, task initiation, planning, and organization.

Along the way, she provides tips and strategies for overcoming obstacles?tools you can use to get the organized house you?ve been dreaming of.

A professional organizer, productivity coach, and former teacher, Sarah knows that organization is more than just 15-minute daily tasks or cute ways to use fun containers. She?s successfully parented, taught, and professionally organized people who struggle with organization, and she has been able to help hundreds of people all around the world?get their homes organized and keep them that way.

This book will help you if:

You?re committed to reducing stress in your life
You wish to get rid of things and keep order around you
You feel mentally overwhelmed, and you seek real solutions how to simplify your days
Want to be a more understanding and patient friend or spouse
You seek for real life examples on how to change your life for the better with the help of minimalism
Minimalism is an inversely proportional process: the less you do, the more will you have. And the less you keep, the happier you?ll be.

You?ll Discover:

How to prepare your home for the ?decluttering process??
3 little known, yet simple ways to prepare yourself mentally and emotionally to be separated from your ?stuff??
Secrets of expert organization specialists that few people ever know about?

3 proven steps to organizing your home room by room?.
2 simple keys (that are right in front of your eyes) to cleaning out your closets?

As well as:

WARNING: 3 things you should never do when it comes to trying to reduce the clutter in your home?
6 time tested and proven strategies for putting your organization plans into effect?
The psychological reasons for hoarding..

How to recognize the signs or hoarding..
And much, much more

The Bottom Line

InLive Simply you?ll find real and applicable tips and advice. I will share with you my own story about decluttering my entire life. I made this book less strict; I approached it with humor, and genuine encouragement to make you feel you?re among friends here. Because minimalism is not a must, but a choice without any pressure or negative consequence.

What are you waiting for?

Don?t hesitate to pick up your copy today by clicking the BUY NOW button at the top of this page!

Free on 25th - 29th Jul 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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