
Free on 2nd - 4th Sep 17
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Have you ever wondered how Facebook makes money?

It’s FREE for everyone, isn’t it?

Let’s face the disturbing reality: Facebook stores and records everything you do and uses this information to sell you products. Whenever you like a page, open a browser, send a message or add a friend, Facebook stores information about you. If you read the Terms and Conditions form on Facebook you will discover that you authorize full access to all your browser history. If you access your profile on your phone, Facebook can access your GPS to track your locations and all your movements.

All this information Facebook stores about you is then ‘studied’ with extremely complex and sophisticated Machine Learning algorithms. These ‘learn’ about you and your interests, your habits and your patterns. Using this knowledge, Facebook will advertise you products and services that match your unique interests. It knows what you want and it tries to sell it to you, constantly. By selling these uniquely targeted ad spaces Facebook makes money, a lot of it.

Machine Learning is the Answer!

In this book I will teach you about this new and revolutionary approach to computer programming known as Machine Learning. In the first part of the book we will develop an appreciation for the importance and relevance of the field in today’s society. We will seek to answer fundamental questions such as

Where is machine learning being used today?
How does Machine Learning impact my life?
How will machine Learning Shape my Future?

In the second part of the book we will dive into the technical details of machine learning. We will explore the different families of algorithms, the mathematics behind them and how they can be used to solve real problems. The algorithms we will cover are

Decision Tree Algorithms
Instance Based Algorithms (eg. K-Nearest Neighbour)
Regression Algorithms (eg. Logistic Regression)
Bayesian Algorithms (eg. Naïve Bayes)

Free on 2nd - 4th Sep 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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