
Free on 7th - 11th Dec 15
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Make Room for Clarity takes you through the journey of how and why people accumulate so much stuff. Reading it will help you understand the wants and desires that fuel our buying, the reasons why people continue to buy beyond their needs, and why it’s so hard to let go of stuff even when we don’t want or use it.

Rick Woods reminds us that when our possessions don’t contribute to our lives or lifestyles, they are filling up the space between us and the life we could be living. His book invites us to make room for clarity in our lives by following the clear, concise, and realistic suggestions for de-cluttering and letting go without feeling guilty.

With each step, you will be creating space in your home—and your life. The end result will be items you feel good around, possessions that serve you while meeting your needs, things you’re happy to have other people see, and a home that makes your heart sing.

Each Chapter weaves us through “The Stuff Cycle”, using practical, easy to follow exercises which teach us how to remove the clutter that is getting in our way.

Want: This is the “seed” of clutter, and it is easily influenced by the exterior forces around us. Still, we make the decisions. If we continue to make choices based on our wants and desires, unchecked, we will end up owning more stuff than we need or use.

Own: This is the “birth” of clutter. Ownership feels good, but sometimes gets confused with the idea that owning more will feel better. Unfortunately, the more we buy, the more likely our stuff is to own us.

Use: This is the “presence” of clutter. If we aren’t using it, it’s just there. The question is, “Have we used it within a reasonable amount of time?” We all know the answer to this question. We just have to be honest with ourselves.

Keep: This is the “growth” of clutter. The longer we continue to keep things we no longer want, need, or use in our homes, the more the clutter builds up. The result is stress, stress, and more stress.

Store: This is the “hoarding” of clutter. Everything needs a home—in our home. If we don’t take the initiative to store our stuff, it’s all around us, overstuffing our homes.

Remove: This is the “path” to clarity. The more you remove the stuff that no longer serves a purpose in your home or your life, the closer you will be to having a home and a life filled with clarity.

Looking to remove the overwhelm and stress caused by the volume of stuff that has accumulated in your home?

Take back your life now and make room for clarity today!

Free on 7th - 11th Dec 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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