
Free on 26th - 30th Mar 15
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Meditation is not about sitting in unnatural and uncomfortable positions while chanting something that does not make sense to you.

Meditation is a special practice that is not just for a few enlightened yoga masters, or hippies and new-agers. It is extremely practical and scientific research has proven that it can improve your overall health, brain performance and happiness.

Most people are going through life in a daze and on auto-pilot. And I was too. I was constantly fighting everything going on in my life and in my mind from day to day stresses like traffic, long hours at work, issues in my relationships. These were more than enough to drain me and leave me lifeless.

I was constantly worrying and my mind was going on over-drive – “What do I do? What will happen next? What if, what if, what if…?”

I could not even enjoy a second of my day, because I was lost in worry and stress over what was going to happen next and what I should do.

In this book you will find techniques to step out of your thinking and allow your mind to finally rest and live in the present.

When meditating, you take a step back from actively thinking your thoughts, and instead, see them for what they are. The reason why meditation is helpful in reducing stress and attaining peace is that it gives your over-active conscious a break. Just like your body needs it, your mind does too!

Here is a preview of what you will learn:

– The basics of meditation and the difference between meditation and concentration.

– How to control your restless mind through meditation

– The benefits of meditation – both mental and physical and some other benefits

– How to prepare for meditation

– Meditation practices and process

– Dealing with challenges during meditation

– A step by step meditation for Focus

– A step by step meditation for Happiness

– A step by step meditation for Success

– And much much more!

Download this book to your PC, Kindle, Mac or smartphone for a limited time price of $0.99!

You do not need a Kindle to read this e-book. Available for immediate reading with your Amazon virtual cloud reader, iPhone, iPad or Android device.

Tags: Meditation for beginners, Meditation, How to meditate, Mindfulness meditation, Meditation techniques, Stress management, Relaxation techniques, Be still, How to relieve stress, Focus, Benefits of meditation, Meditation tips, Relaxation, Alternative therapies, Healing, Meditation exercises, Stillness, Self-healing, Stress, Stress relievers, What is meditation, How to improve concentration, Mindful meditation, How to do meditation, Meditating, Meditate, Focusing, Concentration techniques, Mindfulness

Free on 26th - 30th Mar 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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