
Free on 22nd - 24th Feb 24
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Discover the life of famous mystics, mediums, psychics, and clairvoyants throughout human history and how they contributed to how we see life on Earth. Can they really connect with the other side?

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Since human history began, there have been those who have claimed to have some sort of special access to hidden realms of the supernatural. They present themselves as shamans, prophets, mediums, psychics, and the like. Who are these supposed supernatural intercessors? Do they really know how to connect to the other side? Can they see the future? Can they speak to the dead?

This book explores all of the possibilities said to be associated with these purported paranormal intermediaries. From the Witch of Endor in the Bible to the Long Island Medium, Theresa Caputo–we take a look at mediums, mystics, clairvoyants, and all manner of other intercessors of the supernatural that lived throughout the ages.

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Free on 22nd - 24th Feb 24
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