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Book #1

Do You Want To Eat Mindfully Instead Of Mindlessly?

Welcome to your new way of life!!

Here is the basic steps needed for mindful eating It is an ancient technique that will teach you to break the habitual magical cycle of over-eating and help you to start controlling your nutrition plan and habits.

Also explanations of the basic technique. Reading this you will begin to learn how to practice the basics of the technique in order to get the balance back in your life and onto your plate. You will learn how to savor and appreciate your food. It is not a diet, you won`t have to restrict yourself and torture yourself in order to lose weight that you will gain as soon as you stop with your unhealthy dieting regime. It is your new way of life!!


What is Mindful eating?

Why we overeat?

The benefits of mindful eating

The technique empowers you with a Choice

Mindful eating teaches you to eat based on your needs

Develop trust in yourself

Craving control

Weight management

An example of mindful eating ritual and basic tips

Additional tips to start the mindful eating routine

Scroll back up to the top and Download your copy today!

And learn a new Mindful way to think about your food ..

Book #2

Everyday habits and rituals to help you achieve inner peace and live in the moment

Learn how to practice mindfulness, a technique that brings peace to millions of people around the world.

You will learn how to add simple exercises to your everyday life which will help you feel stress-free, relaxed and help you in making your choices more wisely. These techniques will help you with emotional and physical problems, and will also prevent them so that you can live a stress free and balanced life.


What is mindfulness

The basics of mindfulness

MBSR or Mindfulness based stress reduction

MBCT or Mindfulness based cognitive therapy

Mindful meditation

Mindful diet

Would You Like To Learn More?

Scroll back up to the top and click the BUY button.

Download “Practicing Mindfulness: Living In The Moment Through Meditation Everyday Habits And Rituals For Inner Peace”

Free on 10th - 14th May 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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