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How to Become an Early Bird and Love Your Mornings

Getting up in the mornings can be a real drag, especially if you’re the type of person who likes to stay up late. You would much rather stay in bed as long as possible, hitting the snooze button to try and capture just a few precious moments of sleep. This type of behavior usually results in stress, feeling rushed, and trouble being productive. The morning sets the tone for your whole day, and if your morning is sluggish and grumpy, that’s how the rest of your day will go.

Morning Glory is all about how to transform your mornings so you not only endure them, but love them. The book contains chapters on the importance of creating a sleep sanctuary, eating the right foods, and exercise. Establishing a good nightly routine is just as important as a morning routine, so adopting rituals like turning off all electronics an hour before bed, working out, and/or taking the time to wind down are critical if you want to get deep, quality sleep that makes waking up easier.

When morning comes, there are two patterns of behavior that are important: necessary rituals and “fun” rituals. Necessary rituals include:

Breaking the snooze-button addictionExposing yourself to lightEating and drinking

The “fun” part should not be dismissed, because if you don’t love your mornings, it will be much harder to stay consistent. Fun rituals should serve as a reward for getting up, so have something special with your breakfast like a fancy coffee, or get up a little earlier so you have time for a long shower.

It has been scientifically-proven that morning people are happier, healthier, and even more successful. By taking the steps found in this book, you can change your life and go from a night owl to an early bird, and enjoy all the benefits that come with it.

Grab your copy now!

Tags: start your day right, life changing habits, morning glory, changing habits, making the most of your day, morning routine, morning habits

Free on 30th Jan 17
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