Author: Genre: Length: Novel

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You are on the couch and within split second you are aware of something very unusual. Something is missing and you are feeling alone–your heart is empty.

The reality hits you! Your cat is not on your lap sharing the love in your heart.

Devastated with pet bereavement you ask yourself, “What am I going to do?” The answer to this question and the good news is that Wendy is sharing her new book My Cat Has Died: What Do I Do? Making Decisions and Healing The Trauma of Pet Loss with you as she supports you through your pet bereavement journey.

Offering you tools and compassionate guidance to help you heal from the trauma of pet loss and pet bereavement. Sharing helpful ways to deal with all the changes that you are going to experience immediately after the death of your cat.

Plus, special ways to prepare for the future. If your cat has died and you are experiencing grief, having difficulty making important decisions, and you want to do something special to not forget the life you shared with your cat then this book is for you.

Free on 30th May 17
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