
Free on 25th Jun 14
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Why waste time on Earth, when you have 24 times more time in the virtual world: the NET?

But who will protect the surfers from hackers, and from the mighty invaders some of these hackers let in?

Welcome to the NET ”” an Earth-like virtual-world, where you surf in person and every Earth hour is a full NET day. A place where you can spend long hours preparing for a test, and lose only a few Earth minutes; or, own a magnificent NET-estate, and entertain friends from all over Earth for a weekend – each of them would lose only a couple of Earth hours!

But strange phenomena begin to occur in the NET: Surfers suffer memory loss; NET facilities are being attacked; and a hacker is kidnapped to a mysterious site named Hell!

Will Babel, the NET security unit, realize the real danger? Can fifteen-year-old Troy Bentley and his bio-computer and best friend, Flint, save the NET?

Gur Shomron is a successful high-tech entrepreneur and cyber-engineer who turned to writingSci-Fi. In NETfold, Gur created a new world, where human abilities and fulfillments are magnified many-fold.

>>>Quotes from reviews by excited readers:

“Gur Shomron has written a fascinating novel complete with adventure, mystery, suspense, forbidden fantasy, and more. I couldn’t get enough, and there are some surprising twists that will keep you guessing. This is a thrilling and well-written book that comes highly recommended.”Amelia Wallace

“Words to describe this book in my view are: Original, Thought Provoking, Suspenseful, and Thrilling in a well-written unique story that will leave you wanting more.” Michael Bias

“It’s one of those stories that come along once in awhile that makes you want to read it non-stop until you get to the end.” Piaras O Cionnaoith

“NETfold had everything I look for in a great book: well-developed and relatable characters, engrossing intrigue, excellent world-building, a dash of mystery and one heck of an adventure.” Deede

Scroll up and grab a copy today.

Free on 25th Jun 14
View on Amazon.co.uk


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