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There are hundreds of books out in the Kindlesphere that will tell you Paleo is just about eating a ton of red meat and doing HEAVY deadlifts.But let’s delve beneath the surface of what the Paleo Lifestyle really means to us. The Paleo Lifestyle is not just about one aspect of your life – it’s not about losing weight with fad diets or getting ripped using unsustainable exercise programmes.

It’s about getting back to a truth that modern life has covered up.

The truth is that there is a primeval connection between man and the natural world.But that connection has been severed. Firstly by the agricultural revolution, subsequently by the industrial revolution and urbanisation and now by the digital revolution. We’re further away from our natural, human natures than ever before.

It’s time to reclaim our innate wildness, our health, our happiness and our hotness!

The Paleo Lifestyle (which I also like to refer to as THE HUMAN NATURE LIFESTYLE) has changed my life, and I’ll explain my philosophical as well as my physical transformation in this book, where you’ll learn how to incorporate a fun combination of:

* Natural Movement training

* Lifestyle Philosophies

* Goal setting and visualisation

* Aerobic conditioning

* Strength Training

* Primal Movement Patterns

* Proper nutrition

* Meditation

* Spiritual Connection with natural world to enable you to:

*Feel fit, agile, strong and confident and connected enough to do all the things that you always dreamt of doing and live the life you were born to.

* Kick those bad habits that you’ve always wanted to like smoking, eating too many sugary treats, drinking too much or harbouring negative and limiting thoughts.

*You’ll discover the energy and belief that will allow you to live the ONE LIFE that you have to its full potential.

That is the kind of all round, holistic fitness that the Paleo Lifestyle has given me and that I share with you in this book.

It’s more than just what you eat or how you move. It’s how you think. How you think about your priorities in life; the way you lead your life in this hectic, modern world of ours. Think about that very phrase; “lead your life”. For many of us, life is leading us. Leading us away from the things that will make us truly happy, healthy and hot.

This transformational 28 day programme blends an exciting combination of nutrition, primal movement, lifestyle exercises and mind empowerment to burn away excess weight, develop muscle tone and crush any limiting beliefs about your body. You will get fit in an organic, enthused, and entertaining way.In the next few days you’ll begin to feel refreshed, youthful, and ready to start your life all over again!

A life that’s more connected to the natural world and your own natural state. This book takes you back to basics, re-introducing you to your primal self — the real, instinctual you lurking beneath years of negative programming and false information regarding your health and happiness.

The truth is this: YOU WERE DESIGNED TO BE FIT! You were designed to be HAPPY! You were designed that way by a force called Mother Nature. She made no mistakes when she created you. But somewhere along life’s journey, we just piled a lot of modern rubbish on top of truths we knew — truths we knew at the cellular level.

About the author.

Ape McLeod is a creative warrior, juggling fitness and health projects and lifestyle coaching with other entrepreneurial and creative passions. He came to Paleo after a long battle with addiction and depression.Now you’ll find him in his VW Camper van plotting a conscious global revolution through the power of story and perseverance.
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Free on 22nd Dec 16
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