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Everything You Need To Succeed And Thrive On The Paleo Diet

You just embarked on a journey to travel back in time and eat like our paleolithic ancestors did. Actually, to be more precise we are, in reality, only using our paleolithic ancestors as a guide. As you will see throughout this program, there are many different primitive cultures that have survived with excellent health that have staggeringly different diets.

Our goal is to reverse the trend of disease and degenerating health and find the most beneficial diet for you to become your most vibrant self.

Within the past several years the paleo diet has become increasingly popular and people have seen amazing results. But there are a few misconceptions that we want to clear up before we get started…

Why The Paleo Diet?

Why are we looking to cavemen (and cavewomen), along with other primi,ve cultures, for answers?

Because “cavepeople” were’t fat…and…

Two out of every three American adults are now overweight, with rates in the UK and Australia close behind. We have an epidemic of obese six month olds and the incidence in children is rising at alarming rates.

As obesity rates climb, rates for heart disease, type II diabetes, cancer, blood pressure issues, and other degenera,ve condi,ons climb along with it.

Even for those not considered to be on the obesity spectrum, inflammatory condi,ons, diges,ve issues, mood problems, energy issues and joint problems are an increasing problem. These consequences can severely restrict our ability to live as the happiest and healthiest version of ourselves.

With the sea of conflic,ng informa,on and approaches that are available at the click of a bubon today it can be an extremely daun,ng task simply to know how to eat. We have spent countless hours pulling our hair out, frustrated by a lack of a unifying theme, and dissa,sfied with the shortcomings of current approaches. A rainbow appeared in the cloudy sky, however, when I heard about the work of Dr. Weston Price.

Will It Work?

The best part about the paleo diet is that you will not be a guinea pig. We know this helps with weight loss, digestive issues, energy issues, and joint pain. It can produce lower markers for many degenerative diseases. We know this because that is what it has done for us and others who have adopted a paleo lifestyle.

Although each of you will have a unique experience, a return to natural, mother-nature intended ways of eating is a win-win situation for you and for your health. There is also an incredible body of evidence demonstrating that the benefits of whole foods cannot be replicated through fortification or supplementation. While the amazing health benefits of whole foods remain largely a mystery, the importance of them as staples of a healthy diet cannot be disputed.

Finally, if the results of modern day paleo dieters aren’t enough proof for you, all we have to do is remember that for nearly two million years the human diet went unchanged and our paleolithic ancestors thrived as a result. Only within the last 50 years during the boom of food manufacturing, the demonization of healthy saturated fats, and the implementation of misinformed governmental dietary guidelines, has the state of our health taken a drastic turn for the worst.

Here’s how you can turn it all around…

Free on 6th - 10th Feb 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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