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Your Thrilling Guide to Legendary Pirate Stories!

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Find out what it takes to Shiver your Timbers

In Pirates: True and Untold Stories that will Shiver your Timbers, you’ll learn about six of the most famous pirates of all time. From dangerous and cruel me, to those who were only in it for the bounty, you will discover what motivated them, how they moved forward and why they chose to pirate in the first place. All of these pirates have stories, some which have been lost in time and untold until this very moment. In the chapters, you will also discover: –

o How they used to capture other vessels

o The reasons they were given dangerous nicknames

o What plunder they managed to accumulate

o The heinous acts that are remembered to this day

o The mentors and their charges

o The secrets that they held on to

Pirates continue to be fascinating and shrouded in mystery. They ruled the seas for centuries, and did it in such a way that till today, they continue to be legendary. In this book, you will learn about what motivated them to carry out terrible acts, and how they put together large bounties You will also learn why so many of the pirates met a tragic end

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By the time you complete the book, you will be able to say some common pirate phrases and talk like a pirate This will put you in their mind frame, and make you feel as though you have been a part of their world. Enjoy your unique pirate experience}

Just scroll to the top of the page and select the Buy Button. Download Your Copy TODAY!

Free on 2nd May 17
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"These are little more than introductory pieces, the style is a little dry and it feels like reading a school essay. There are some glaring errors and the Pirates' stories are less than half of the ebook"

Reviewer: .

While I only have a few issues with the accuracy of these accounts, the style is a little dry and it feels like reading an essay. I actually ended up doing a basic search to see if they had been cribbed from online, and found nothing as most of the online essays are more informative. For anyone researching pirates, these are little more than introductory pieces and you'll find more information on Wikipedia (the articles are also longer and better cited).

I mentioned a few issues with the accuracy of these accounts, and there are some glaring errors. e.g. L'Ollanais never attacked Gibraltar, he attacked San Antonio de Gibraltar, he did not capture a crew and eat one of their hearts, he captured two Spaniards and ate one captive's heart to get information on a "safe route" from the other (for anyone curious about whether torture provides accurate information, the 'safe route' he was told in this manner led to the wreck that saw L'Ollanais being eaten by natives). It even contradicts itself, the section on Hornigold making it sound as it Blackbeard was present when he was overthrown, while the section on Blackbeard confirms he had already struck out on his own by that point.

The Pirates' stories are less than half of the ebook (ending on loc 355 of 743). It contains a second ebook about runic alphabets. I skim-read this one, as the writing again felt like pieces cribbed from online and was rather dry. Also it has nothing to do with pirates. And there is a huge broken image at the end.

There are better, more readable books on the same subject, and I really can't recommend this as more than an introduction to the topic.

Rating: 2

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