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Free on 19th - 23rd Jul 15
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Motherhood Box Set: Childbirth + Breastfeeding

The Perfect Box Set for Mothers Seeking a Natural and Holistic Approach to Childbirth and a Healthy Start for Baby


Pictures of an infant nursing are some of the most serene images in all of human life. It represents that special bond between mother and child. Even though breastfeeding is the most natural thing imaginable, it is not instinctive.

Many mothers, especially first time moms, often struggle with simple issues based on their lack of knowledge and the information resulting from their inexperience. They question how to perfect the baby’s latch on the breast. Some feel pain while the baby is feeding, while other breastfeeding moms get sores and blisters. Some of these moms think they don’t have milk, or have other struggles related to feeding. This book seeks to bridge the knowledge gap and to equip these mothers with the information and skills they need.
By the time you finish reading, you will have received proven steps and strategies on how to successfully breastfeed your child from minutes after being born, up until the weaning years.

The essentials of breast pumping and milk storage.
Having information and a plan, enables new breastfeeding mothers and relieves the anxiety that often hinders their milk production and quality.


Going through a natural childbirth can be one of the most beautiful and rewarding experiences of your life, though it can be scary to think about, especially if it’s your first child. This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to prepare yourself for a natural childbirth and make it an easier process.

Everyone hears the horror stories about childbirth and it’s only natural to be a little scared of what’s ahead for you and your baby, but never fear! This guide will help you prepare before and during pregnancy to make the process of Natural Childbirth as painless, simple, and organized as possible.

One of the milestones in the life of any woman and any family is the birth of a child. This event signals the start of a new life. Such a moment is both exciting and tense. Anyone who has ever birthed a child knows how tense the moments leading to the child’s birth are. Of course, birth is a process that goes beyond the release of the child from the mother’s womb to the waiting world. It should be accompanied by proper planning and preparation to ensure childbirth will proceed as planned.

In The This book is particularly valuable to couples who are anticipating the birth of their first child. It does include considerations that others would benefit from learning, but the pregnancy causes the woman involved to be especially eager to know all that is possible to be ready for the birth.

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***Don’t Miss the Special Bonus after the Conclusion***

Free on 19th - 23rd Jul 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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