
Free on 16th - 18th Jun 16
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Major disaster strikes: What do you do? The answer depends on where you live, how close you are to the chaos, and your preparedness level. Urban dwellers have almost no choice but to flee. Once the grocery stores are empty, there is limited food options and the sheer number of people makes any dangerous situation escalate quickly. In rural areas, most people will choose to stay put and should pull together to pool resources, but rural people will also have to defend their properties and deal with hoards of people fleeing the urban areas. What about the suburbs? We are right in the middle of both worlds and will encounter most of the same risks/rewards to the urban and rural environments.

Many will choose to flee. Some will have prepared getaways in advance or plan to join relatives in rural areas. Many of us don’t have that option and that is the purpose of this book. This is a guide to staying put: Defending your home turf and surviving in the suburbs.

Free on 16th - 18th Jun 16
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