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Prepper Survival Basics : How To Prepare And Survive A Collapse And Create A Self Sufficient Lifestyle For You And Your Family!

Prepper Survival Basics is the perfect book for beginners who have been introduced to the idea of a possible collapse.

This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to prepare and survive an economic, social, and/or environmental collapse and create a self-sufficient lifestyle for you and your family. Whether it be a major catastrophe with real environmental upset (think gas masks and underground bunkers) or an economic hardship wherein our country is suddenly unable to support its people (think poverty and limited food supply), you will sleep better at night knowing that you will be ready when the time comes.

And even if the time never comes, you will always have the pride and peace of mind knowing that you can successfully support yourself and your family with just the supplies and systems you have in place today. What if something as simple as long term job loss happened to you tomorrow? Would you have enough supplies and skills to fend for yourself? Or would you instantly be dependent upon the welfare of others?

Even if a collapse never occurs in your lifetime, would your children be ready for one in theirs? Do you have the satisfaction of knowing that you have passed along practical survival and homesteading skills to your children?

Most of us work hard each day to make a living for our families. We live in an urban or suburban area in a relatively nice but perhaps modest house. We go to work every day and when our paycheck comes, if we’re lucky, we save a little for a rainy day and spend the rest on what we need and want. We think about our children’s college funds, our own retirement, and maybe putting on a new roof in the spring or getting new tires on our car. We don’t necessarily prepare for other catastrophes, the likes of which are so removed from our daily lives that we never really stopped to think about them. The unsettling reality is that these threats are very real and may very well happen in our lifetime. Having a well-fed college fund or savings will not put food on the table when there is no food in the grocery store. Neither will it buy self-defense when law enforcement is stripped down to skeleton crews and the dollar is of little value.

This e-book first aims to educate you on the if’s and how’s of a collapse situation so that you can make an informed decision as to whether you will become a so-called “prepper”. A prepper is someone who prepares for an environmental, social, and/or economic collapse.

If you so choose, this e-book will also guide you toward the next steps toward becoming a beginning prepper. It will not delve deep into doomsday scenarios or debate exactly how society will react or recover. It will simply give an overview of the most likely scenarios that might affect you in the near future, according to leading experts. It will then offer sound advice for prepping for such an event, minding your budget and time, without detracting from your other duties as a responsible adult in today’s society.


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Free on 21st - 25th Dec 14
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